Clarity Release 16.0.3: The most important news at a glance

Clarity Release 16.0.3: The Most Important News at a Glance

2 min read

1. Enhancements of Checklists and To Dos

As part of the new Clarity release 16.0.3, the focus was on the enhancement of Checklists and To Dos. Your new options include the following:

  • New board view for organizing your To Dos
  • Scheduling your To Dos using the Calendar view
  • Notifications as soon as checklists are shared
  • New Checklist module for Agreements
  • Moving or removing checklists within Investments or Agreements

2. Enhanced Functions for Your Top-down Planning

The new Clarity version 16.0.3 now allows you to copy your Roadmaps. Scenarios, saved views, and picklists are included, too. You also have the option to share the view or edit privileges of a Roadmap with other users.

Another new feature is the ability to enable the Investment Parent attribute as a navigation link for Projects, Ideas, Custom Investments, and Hierarchies. Also, the configuration of the financial module including widget is now available in Hierarchies.

3. Implemented Customer Suggestions (Customer Voice)

Key improvements achieved through Broadcom’s Customer Innovation Panel process are, among others, the following:

  • Display of key milestone tasks in Timeline views of Projects and Custom Investments
  • Ability to enable and disable text wrapping for all grid attributes
  • Optimized PDF generation capability for project task timeline views
  • Activation of audit trail attributes also for Timesheets
  • Availability of Conversations for all objects with Blueprints
  • Configuration of minimum and maximum values within widgets

4. Neuerungen im Ressourcenmanagement

With the Clarity release 16.0.3, the Visual Resource Staffing features have been enhanced once again. You can now perform inline per-period allocation edits directly by using a bulk edit modal. In addition, the availability and remaining values in the Timeline view are updated in real time from now on.

With the revision of the Resource Management module, the Staffing Plan workspace will no longer be developed and is expected to be removed with Clarity 16.1.2 in May 2023.

5. Enhanced Functionality for Blueprints and Business Rules

Another focus of the release was on the further enhancement of Blueprints and Business Rules:

  • Creation of Business Rules with required attributes for sub-objects
  • Use of 'conditional required' Business Rules
  • Ability to configure user create dialog for sub-objects using Blueprints

6. General User Experience Improvements

Upgrading to the latest Clarity version simultaneously introduces a new ‘Users’ module in the Modern UX to manage user configuration and update access group assignments (BETA).

Other Modern UX enhancements include a filter definition in the grid column header and a public API for managing user Action Items.

7. Optimized Mobile App

The Clarity version 16.0.3 also brings you an improved Mobile App for your time tracking.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

itdesign's Consulting team

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