Clarity Release 16.2.1: All highlights at a glance

Clarity Version 16.2.1: All Release Highlights at a Glance

3 min read

The first of four Clarity releases in 2024 is here! We looked at the latest release notes for you and identified the highlights. Worth noting: Many of the new features came directly from the Customer Voice and Customer Innovation Panel. These are formats by software vendor Broadcom that allow Clarity users to provide feedback and suggestions directly to the product development team.

1. Innovations as a Result of the Customer Voice

As in previous releases, the Customer Voice once again played an important role. These and other innovations are the result of the format:

Business Rules
  • Added support for 3rd level Sub-Objects
  • Disable deletion for non-investment Target Objects and Sub-Objects
  • Added ‘required attribute’ support for Custom Object Sub-Objects
Further Improvements
  • New breadcrumb navigation combined with a new page header layout for easier orientation in the software
  • Administrators can control which users can share views with everyone via the action framework
  • Ability for end users to select another language without having to log out and log in
  • Ability to enable or disable selective features for a period of time (e.g., if not required)
Clarity Release 16.2.1: Ausgewählte Funktionen für einen bestimmten Zeitraum deaktivieren oder aktivieren

2. New Features for Your Resource Planning

Resource Directory for a Better Overview

One highlight of the new release is the directory of all resource managers and resources as a tree diagram (BETA). This allows you to quickly see at a glance who manages which resources in your unit or company, and you can, for example, contact the person responsible.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Ressourcenverzeichnis für einen besseren Überblick

Right-click on a resource to get more details about its relationship. The so-called Relationship Explorer provides information about the respective investment managers who share resources.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Relationship Explorer
Further Innovations for Resource Management
  • Ability to configure business rules on the Resources blueprint
  • Introduced a Staffing blueprint with configuration options to hide or position modules in the Staffing workspace
  • Provide view-only access to Resource attributes from within the Staff module and thus have the desired information easily accessible
Clarity Release 16.2.1: Lesender Zugriff auf Ressourcen-Attribute aus dem Staffing-Modul heraus erhalten und so die gewünschte Information leicht zugänglich zur Verfügung haben

3. Transforming Investment Management

The display of names and dates in the Milestone timeline of the status report can now be configured as required.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Konfiguration von Name und Datum in der Meilenstein-Timeline des Statusberichts

Risks, Issues, and Change Requests can now simply be copied based on an existing item. A link to the originating item can also be created via ID.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Risiken, Probleme und Änderungsantrag kopieren und ID zum Ursrungselement erhalten

External dependencies between tasks are supported with the new release. This allows you to visualize interdependent tasks.

External dependencies between tasks

Task timelines of Custom Investments can be exported as a PDF and processed further as required.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: PDF-Export von Aufgaben-Zeitleisten einer benutzerdefinierten Investition
Further New Features
  • Extending the Board view to Investment Risks, Issues, and Change Requests
  • Configure increments for Timesheet entries (e.g., 0.25, 0.5, 1)

4. Usability of Dashboards and Canvas

Dashboards and Canvas offer even better usability with version 16.2.1. Among other things, you can display and group per-period metrics in table widgets. In addition, Financial Plan details in Investments and Hierarchies can be used to build visually appealing dashboards based on entries in Financial Plans.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Finanzplaneinträge in Investitionen und Hierarchien nutzen, um visuell ansprechende Dashboards zu bauen

5. Strategy and Daily Business: OKR Management

Clarity has already been available for your OKR management for some time. Now you also have the option of linking one or more investments to an Objective via a new Investments module. This allows you to quickly see which investments contribute to an Objective and to link operational investment management with your strategy on a day-to-day basis.

6. Improved Mobile App

The functionality of the Clarity mobile app has also been expanded with the new release. Among other things, the following features offer you improved usability of the app:

  • View and manage sections within a Checklist for a better overview
  • View timesheet validation rules from within an error panel so that users know how to avoid future errors
  • Hide Timesheet menu option based upon user access rights
  • Hide the Timesheet hours gauge based on Clarity administrative setting
  • Enable users to access a specific (mobile) page via supplied URL

7. Lifecycle and Workflow Management

Personal notifications relating to action items can now also be managed from the Modern UX. In addition, attributes are automatically updated based on the reaction of the end user (example: The phase changes automatically after approval).

8. Strategic and Top-Down Planning


Update investment details directly from within the Timeline view.


The display options for swimlanes have been optimized. Irrelevant information can be easily shown or hidden. In addition, empty swimlanes can optionally be hidden in the Timeline view.

9. Artificial Intelligence and Reporting

The new version introduces artificial intelligence to Clarity. Project status reports can be summarized with the help of AI. Your added value: detailed reports at the touch of a button and time savings.

An important note: This capability must be activated via a support ticket. Your company’s service account key is required for this. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to activate the function.

Clarity Release 16.2.1: Projektstatusreports mithilfe von AI zusammenfassen
Note About the Financials Plan Module

Broadcom is announcing the deprecation of the Project Financial Plans module, which is scheduled to be removed in the May 2024 release (16.2.2). The Project Financial Plans module will no longer be enhanced, and maintenance and technical support will be discontinued effective May 20, 2024. You can use the Project Financials module in lieu of this functionality. If you are affected, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need support.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

itdesign's Consulting team

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