Clarity Release 16.3.0: We summarized all highlights.

Unlocking New Potential: What’s Inside Clarity 16.3.0

4 min read

Clarity 16.3.0 is here, and it’s packed with enhancements that will elevate your project and portfolio management experience. As we dive into the latest release in this blog post, our experts are excited to spotlight the key features and improvements designed to drive even greater value for you. Whether you’re simulating staffing scenarios, improving reporting, or asking ‘Vaia’ for help, Clarity 16.3.0 delivers targeted updates that respond to both customer feedback and evolving industry needs. 

  1. Results of the Customer Voice
  2. Transforming Investment Management
  3. People-Centric Planning
  4. Artificial Intelligence
  5. Business Intelligence & Reporting

1. Innovations as a Result of the Customer Voice

Suggestions from the Customer Voice are regularly an important source of input and inspiration for new releases for software manufacturer Broadcom. These key improvements were delivered through the Clarity Customer Innovation Panel process:

Highlights in This Area
  • Filter enhancements: the same filter field can now be used multiple times within a single filter group.
  • Field-Level Security (FLS) has been expanded to control updates to per-period metric.
  • To maintain data integrity, parameterized Lookup values (including required) are automatically cleared, if the values are no longer valid with the associated source attribute.
  • Administrators have a system option to automatically delete unsaved views when a user logs out.
  • Business Rules can be used to control the granting and remove of instance access rights.
  • Interactive widgets when enabled: users can now interact with Pie, Bar, Number, Progress Ring, and Target Widgets to filter data displayed in a Timeline, Board, or Grid view.
Interact with widgets to filter data.

2. Transforming Investment Management

Thanks to a couple of new features in Clarity version 16.3.0, you can manage your investments even more efficiently. The innovations include:

  • Investment Managers (or administrators) can ‘unlock’ an investment directly from a selected Project or Custom Investment.
  • Per-period metrics (e.g., Planned Revenue, Planned Actual Revenue, Budget Revenue, and Budget Actual Revenue) are now available for Investments and Hierarchies.
  • Timesheet notifications appear under the Bell icon, if enabled. Users can configure their timesheet notification preference (i.e. alerts, Email, SMS).
Users can configure their timesheet notification preference (i.e. alerts, Email, SMS).
  • With the new Clarity release, you can convert an approved Idea to a Custom Investment via the action framework (not process).
You can convert an approved Idea to a Custom Investment via the action framework (not process).

3. People-Centric Planning

With the introduction of scenario planning in the Staffing workspace, stakeholders can create multiple projections of staffing plans under different conditions. The new feature includes the following:

  • Staffing Managers can create, compare, copy, delete, and share staffing scenarios to understand the impact of different investment schedules and resource allocation models.
Staffing Managers can create, compare, copy, delete, and share staffing scenarios.
  • To support strategic planning and efficient resource allocation, Broadcom introduced an Investment Timeline view with support for scenarios, swimlanes, configurable filtering, and ‘Target’ widgets.
To support strategic planning and efficient resource allocation, Broadcom introduced an Investment Timeline.
  • Target Widgets can be used to visualize and manage specific targets as either goals or constraints for attributes (e.g., Allocation) in a scenario. The ‘Target’ Widget type is now also available within the Allocation by Investment, Allocations by Resource, Assignment by Investment, Assignments by Resource, and Staff modules.
Target Widgets can be used to visualize and manage specific targets as either goals or constraints for attributes (e.g., Allocation) in a scenario.
  • Make use of additional user personalization options, including yellow or orange for over/under allocation thresholds (in addition to red and green) for the use in the Staffing Workspace, Resource Directory, and Relationship Explorer.
Make use of additional user personalization options, including yellow or orange for over/under allocation thresholds.

4. Artificial Intelligence in Clarity (BETA)

Clarity Concierge, the AI capability in Clarity, has been renamed to ‘Vaia’. Vaia’s capabilities to summarize the content of a selected Roadmap from the Timeline view has been expanded with the new release.

Clarity's AI capability, Vaia, to summarize the content of a selected Roadmap from the Timeline view has been expanded with the new release.

5. Business Intelligence & Reporting (BETA)

New Reporting Workspace

With Clarity release 16.3.0, Broadcom introduces a new Reporting workspace in a BETA version, a streamlined platform for report creation and management. The new feature allows users to build reports easily using Data Providers derived from Data Warehouse objects and queries.

Make use of the new Reporting workspace in a BETA version, a streamlined platform for report creation and management.
Data Providers

Data Providers serve as the building blocks for the new reporting solution. Administrators can either create a data provider or copy an out-of-the-box data provider to preview and export data. Basic join conditions are automatically added when a new data provider is created.

Data Warehouse (DWH)

You can benefit from a new DWH option to ‘Include SQL Curve data’ which will create time-varying attributes in the data warehouse as an alternative to the Fact tables. The curve tables are required for the Data Providers to display Per-Period Metrics.

Hint on BETA Features

Software manufacturer Broadcom points out that BETA features may contain bugs, errors and/or other issues. Therefore, the smooth operation and the general availability of BETA features cannot be guaranteed at this point in time. 

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

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