Clarity Release 16.3.1: Highlights at a Glance

Clarity 16.3.1: Release Highlights at a Glance

2 min read

New year, same game: In 2025, software vendor Broadcom continues to invest in the development of Clarity to provide you with the best possible support for your project and portfolio management. We took a close look at the first release of the year and picked out the most exciting new features of Clarity 16.3.1. Let’s get started!

1. Lifecycle and Workflow Management

New business rules options for administrators give you more control over your workflows. Processes can now be more finely tuned to meet your needs, and agreements can be more easily managed.

Business Rules
  • Staff as an available target object, e.g., to conditionally set content as read-only or assign specific update rights
  • Configure rules to display a modal when certain attributes are changed or when a condition is met (e.g., comment field must be filled in when a project is put on hold)
Clarity 16.3.1: Display Required Modal for Attribute Changes via Rules
  • Create, edit, and delete Agreements directly from the Investment timeline and selected investments

2. People-Centric Planning

The new features in this area allow you to publish scenarios and better control views. This ensures that resources are allocated optimally and that everyone has access to the relevant information.

  • Publish specific changes from scenarios and select which changes will be published to impacted investments
  • Restrict views in the Staffing module (e.g., Allocation by Investment, Allocation by Resource, Allocations by Investment, Allocations by Resource, Personnel, and Investments) based on access groups with a new Blueprint option for administrators

3. Business Intelligence & Reporting (BETA)

In the current version of Clarity 16.3.1, the new Reporting workspace is enhanced with basic functions that help you create meaningful reports, gain important insights into your projects, and make informed decisions.

Report Viewer

Provide end users with up-to-date and read-only insights via a new tile:

  • View customized or out-of-the-box reports that can include widgets and tables with filtering capabilities
  • PDF export of individual reports
Clarity 16.3.1: Neue Kachel Reports
Report Designer

Get a clearer view of the right data with new layout and configuration options, including:

  • Define new or modify existing reports with a canvas-like designer, including additional filtering options (several reports, including widgets and tables, are supported in a canvas)
  • Include per-period metrics (e.g., in bar and column charts and tables)
  • Configure report-level and widget-level filters
Data Providers

Additional data (e.g., OBS attributes, Posted Transactions, and others) can be made available to the report either from custom queries or out-of-the-box data provider objects.

Data Warehouse (DWH)

Stay on top of the latest developments with the new admin setting to synchronize changes from Clarity in real time. By adding more objects and attributes (e.g. Agreements and Roadmap items) to the database, you now have more information available for reports in Clarity.

4. Innovations as a Result of the Customer Voice

In addition to some of the innovations already mentioned, software manufacturer Broadcom has implemented other improvements based on customer suggestions.

These include new options for administrators:

  • Impersonate a specific user to test views and access rights or troubleshoot a problem
  • Customize the labels on the left navigation menu to use clear and company-specific terminology
Hint on BETA Features

Software manufacturer Broadcom points out that BETA features may contain bugs, errors, and/or other issues. Therefore, the smooth operation and the general availability of BETA features cannot be guaranteed at this point in time.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

itdesign's Consulting team

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