Das neue itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 9.3.0

itd Advanced Resource Planning Available in the New Version 9.3.0

2 min read

Big Feature: Roadmap Scenario Mode for Alloations

In the latest itd Advanced Resource Planning version, resources can already be considered in portfolio management. A special scenario mode for Roadmaps is available for this purpose in the Modern UX. 

Within a Roadmap, a further tab takes you directly to the itd Advanced Resource Planning add-on. Here, a capacity scenario for the currently selected Roadmap scenario is displayed in the allocation mode. Changes in resource planning are then also reflected in the Roadmap.

Detailed Utilization Overview for Assignments

In the “Assignments by investment” view, the utilization can now also be viewed in the histogram.

By clicking on the histogram of the role or resource, a detailed overview of the planned investments appears.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 9.3.0: Detailed utilization overview for assignments

Further Improvements

You can also look forward to further performance optimizations, various usability improvements, and improved support for Custom Investments:

  • Adjustable start and end in scenario mode
  • Configurable standard fields for resources
  • Improved performance when loading additional queries
  • More detailed locals available
  • Modal window for the properties of an assignment
  • Show and hide for primary roles of resources
  • Additional team entries when creating assignments for roles

Get Your Upgrade Now!

Do you want to further simplify your resource planning? We would be happy to advise you on the options that the new version of itd Advanced Resource Planning makes available to you and upgrade you to the latest version.

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