Clarity Release 16.1.1: The latest features at a glance

Clarity Release 16.1.1: The Latest Features at a Glance

2 min read

1. Transforming Investment Management

In the new Clarity version 16.1.1, the Investment Management module has been further developed and redesigned. Accordingly, the following functionalities are now available, among others:

  • Customized Board views for investments and tasks: data visible in columns and swimlanes; configurable Board layouts
  • Visual widgets available in the Canvas view
  • Canvas view can also be used for Custom Investments
  • Current, next, and previous time periods as intelligent filters in time tracking
  • Copy of 2nd and 3rd order custom subobjects when copying projects, ideas, and custom investments from a template

2. Lifecycle Management

Within the new version, the field Originating Idea (convert idea to project) can also be displayed in the Project grid. In addition, the release includes several new functionalities for Action Items:

  • Definition of an Action Item library in the Modern UX
  • Send via business rules
  • Module for custom master objects
  • Separate Action Item delete from process delete
  • Act on Action Items on the go using the Mobile App

The fundamental enhancement of the business rules through smart automation includes, among others, the following additional functions for Actions and Audits:

Simplified Ability to Execute Actions Sequentially or Together
  • Set field values based on change to another field
  • Make record read-only or editable
  • Hide actions, sections, and modules
  • Make field required
  • Send Action Item
Improved Audits
  • Audit module available for all Blueprint-enabled objects
  • Changed date including time
  • Time-scaled values available

3. Top-down Planning

In the latest Clarity version 16.1.1, Roadmaps with different views as well as Hierarchies in the Timeline view offer more design freedom. In detail, the following features are now available for you:

Improvements in Hierarchies
  • Agreements and connecting lines in Timeline
  • Key milestones as Timeline events
  • Export of Timeline as PDF
  • Configuration of subobject modules in the Details flyout
Plans in the Workforce modeling (BETA)
  • Import resources to populate base totals
  • Aggregated views by role, employment type, and investment category with additions and reductions
  • Hierarchy plan navigator

4. Implemented Customer Suggestions (Customer Voice)

Key enhancements achieved through Broadcom’s Customer Innovation Panel include the following:

  • Updated Board for custom objects
  • Increased length of name fields for custom objects and subobjects to 256 characters
  • Copy custom objects and subobjects
  • Separate custom object "Navigate right" from other rights
  • Preview and error handling for custom master objects during CSV import (BETA)
  • “Not Securable” filter in the Attributes grid
  • Modern UX user settings for Conversations and sharing notifications

5. Reinventing Resource Management

The Resource Management module now includes a detailed Staffing schedule. Workspaces can be minimized or maximized. Staffing assignments are colored in for overloads and underloads, and adding investments and/or resources, roles, and teams is made easier.

6. Providing Financial Transparency

For improved comparison of budgets with planned and actual costs, the new version 16.1.1 contains additional attributes. Per attribute combination, an additional subordinate detail line can be created in the financial plan.

7. Checklists & To Dos

A new Action Items workspace has been introduced under the My Workspace menu bar. Furthermore, filter groups are available in the cross-investment workspace Tasks.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

itdesign's Consulting team

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