Clarity Release 16.2.0

Our Highlights of the Latest Clarity Release 16.2.0

2 min read

Our consultants have already taken a closer look at the latest improvements to the PPM tool and have identified the highlights for you.

1. New in Top-Down Planning


Create and manage Roadmap groups from multiple roadmaps and gain visibility into dependencies, agreements, key milestones, and Roadmap events.

Clarity Release 16.2.0: Roadmap-Gruppen aus mehreren Roadmaps bilden

These changes within the Hierarchies module give you more possibilities when working with Clarity:

  • Timeline layout to manage tasks across multiple investments
  • Increased limit of up to 3,000 investments in a single hierarchy (except for SQL Server)
Plans in Workforce Modeling

These enhancements for Plans provide you with a better overview and an easy way to take changes to your OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure) into account:

  • New expandable tree layout to visualize parent/child relationships in the Plans workspace
  • New function “Update Plan Structure from OBS” synchronizes changes from OBS

2. Transforming Investment Management

With the new Clarity release, you can now benefit from more intuitive and enhanced investment management functionality, as well as a new layout option:

  • Timesheet validation rules introduced (BETA)
  • Copy tasks within an investment using a mouse right-click action
  • Timeline layout added to the Tasks workspace
Use approval rules for time recording

3. Reinventing Resource Management

Resource planning with Clarity becomes even more efficient thanks to optimized and expanded display options for key figures, among other things.

  • Resource object supports processes and workflows
  • Financial attributes (view only) on the Resource object
Clarity Release 16.2.0: Finanzattribute auf dem Ressourcenobjekt einbinden
Audit Capabilities (Audit Trail)
  • The configured unit of measure is displayed for old and new values: assignment ETC (Estimate to Complete), assignment actuals, and Roadmap item capacity
  • Per-period metrics on the assignment object: ETC, actuals, ETC cost, and actual cost

4. Optimizing My Workspace and Mobile App


Create and maintain sections within checklists to provide structure and overview for upcoming items.

Clarity Release 16.2.0: Checklisten in Sektionen unterteilen
Mobile App

New features for timesheets, administration, and “My Workspace” provide an enhanced user experience for the mobile app:

  • Access “My Workspace” Smartlists via the app (view only)
  • New function to “Add Tasks” to a timesheet
  • Enter a timesheet note date
  • Manage the Clarity mobile application with MS Intune (BETA)

5. Improvements from the Customer Voice

Once again, users actively used Broadcom’s open ear to make suggestions for improvements. These new functions and features are the result of the Customer Voice:

Main Navigation Menu Improvements
  • Promote Custom Investments, Team Investments, Custom Objects, and Pages to the menu
  • Reorder and hide menu items
  • Assign or change menu icons selected from an icon library
Clarity Release 16.2.0: Navigationsmenü personalisieren
Further Improvements
  • Configure channels directing users to the Modern UX
  • Configure Investment attribute labels and tooltips uniquely for each Investment type
  • Display “Today” in the Investment Task timeline
  • Horizontal and vertical display options for bar chart widgets
  • CSV import supports Projects, Custom Investments, Ideas, and Team Investments

Get Your Upgrade Now!

As the largest Brodacom partner in Europe, we would be happy to give you a personal demonstration of the features of new Clarity release as they relate to your specific application and provide you with the latest version.

itdesign's Consulting team

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