itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0

The New itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.0.0 Is Available

3 min read

Big Feature: New Functionalities for Views

Our highlight feature of version 11.0.0: Views can now also be used in itd Advanced Resource Planning. Similar to the Clarity logic, it is possible to save, share and manage views. This optimization leads to more uniformity and generally improved usability. The following functions are now available in detail:

1. Save Views

Filters and preconfigured views in itd Advanced Resource Planning can be saved in all four modes (allocation and assignment for each investment and resource) as a separate view. This has the advantage that favorite filters can be accessed quickly and intuitively.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Vorgefilterte Ansichten speichern
2. Share Views

Furthermore, in the new version of the add-on, a saved view can either be used privately or shared with other users and groups to look at the project plan or resource utilization together.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Ansichten privat nutzen oder mit anderen teilen
3. Manage Views

In the “Manage Views” section, you can view your views and those shared by other users. The views can be favored with a star or recommended by admins via a label. Favorites then automatically move up in the board and views can be renamed, edited, or deleted. Users who open itd Advanced Resource Planning for the first time start directly with the recommended view.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Ansichten verwalten, favorisieren oder editieren
4. System Views

In general, the four view modes (allocation by investment, allocation by resource, allocation by investment, and allocation by resource) are shared with all users as system views. The views can also be favored under Manage view — Shared. Members of the “ARP Admin” group can edit or recommend system views and save views as system views.

5. Saved Filters from Previous Versions

Previously saved filters are automatically converted to views when switching to the new itd Advanced Resource Planning version 11.0.0. Previously saved filters can be called up under View — Allocation by Investment.

Optimized Usability

Clarity links now lead to the Modern UX

All links to Clarity now lead to the Modern UX by default and no longer to the classic interface as before. This ensures greater uniformity and a better overview.

Allocation and Commitment per Resource

In the Allocation by Resource mode, you can display and select both the allocation and the commitment per resource under Settings — Layout. This makes it easier to understand how much capacity has been requested and ultimately committed. In addition, the total allocations of a resource can be compared easily and transparently.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Zuordnung und Zusage einer Ressource vergleichen
Feature Toggle: Display Configured Cell Values as a Hint

With the new feature toggle that can be activated, it will be possible in the future to determine under Settings — Layout whether further information (e.g., availability, assignment) is displayed when the mouse pointer has hovered over numbers. Activation can be used for all four working modes but can also be controlled separately.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Vorgefilterte Ansichten speichern
Button ''Filter + Hide'' replaced by ''Filter''

The “Filter + Hide” button has been replaced by the “Filter” button. Clicking on “Filter” now automatically collapses the filter and ensures optimized usability.

itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0: Über den Button-Filter wird der Abschnitt nun direkt miteingeklappt


  • For technical reasons, itd Advanced Resource Planning version 11.0.0 requires Clarity version 16.0.3 or higher.
  • Clarity version 16.1 or newer is required to use the roadmap mode in itd Advanced Resource Planning.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

Do you want to further simplify your resource planning? We would be happy to advise you on the options that the new version of itd Advanced Resource Planning makes available to you and upgrade you to the latest version.

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