itd Advanced Resource Planning 11.0.0

New itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.1.0 Available

3 min read

Big Feature: Extended Filter Options for the Investment Status of Allocations

Our highlight feature of the new release 11.1.0: a flexible filter option by investment status.

Previously, you could display investments that were either “Approved” or “Not approved” via Settings > Visualization. With the new release, this filter option is replaced by a more intuitive and flexible filter, the “Utilization filter by investment status”. Benefit from an optimized overview of your resource utilization.

The utilization filter by investment status offers the following added value:
  • Selection of any status values as well as filtering by multiple values simultaneously.
  • If several investment status values are selected, all investments with the selected values are displayed. If no status value has been selected, all investments are displayed regardless of their status.
  • For existing views that filter for approved investments, the utilization filter also only takes over the approved investments.
itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.1.0: Über den flexiblen Auslastungsfilter mehrere Stati auswählen

Optimized Views

1. Dynamic filters for current user

Previously, you could enter your own login name via resource fields such as “Investment manager” or “Resource manager”. With the new release, it is now possible to set directly the “Current user” via the button instead of the name. When you log in or load the view, the current user and the associated investments and resources are now always displayed.

itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.1.0: Aktuelle*r Benutzer*in filtert nur nach den eigenen Investitionen
2. Smarter loading of views

If you switch between views and the data is the same in both views, the page is no longer reloaded. The system also checks whether the top and bottom views are identical in the view by investment and only reloads if necessary.

3. Unfolded investments when reloading

Investments that have already been expanded remain open when the view is reloaded. The investments also remain open when switching to another view that already contains open investments. This makes it easier to find your way around the tool and provides an optimized overview of the investments.

4. Consistent Splitter Position

When switching between two views, the size of the view does not change, resulting in improved and more convenient usability.

5. Users with ARP admin rights can edit shared views

Users with specific admin rights can edit and delete the views shared with them under Views > Manage views > Shared. This additional function allows admins to correct access settings and delete superfluous views.

Optimized Usability

1. Unassign to Effective Role

It is now possible to reset the original role via the context menu in both Allocation by investment and Assignment by investment mode. The “Unassign to effective role” function removes the resource or team from the investment and adds the effective role with the same assignment or allocation. If the role is already on the investment, another role is created.

This additional function in the context menu leads to more effective personnel deployment planning with the option of making changes quickly.

itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.1.0: Effektive Rolle über Kontextmenü wiederherstellen
2. Replacement options for roles

In the current release, when scheduling your resources or teams to roles, you have the option of selecting whether to allocate either the entire availability or only part of the allocation the so-called remaining availability to the resource or team. The allocation is differentiated as follows:

itd Advanced Resource Planning Release 11.1.0: Unterscheidung zwischen Teil- und Gesamtverfügbarkeit

Replacement options:

  • Total availability: As before, the entire allocation of the role to the resource or team is entered here. The resource or team may be overbooked.
  • Remaining availability: In this case, the resource or team is only assigned as much as the total availability allows. The resource or team is not overbooked. The remaining allocation can be assigned to another resource or team.
3. Additional filter options according to skills

In the latest version, skills are available as an additional column for the ” Allocation by investment” and “Allocation by resource” modes. Skills of a role can now be conveniently viewed and adjusted directly in the columns.

4. Further options for filtering resources

In addition to roles, you will also be able to filter by teams in future. The filter by teams works in the same way as the filter by roles: When filtering by All, all are displayed, Yes filters only for teams and No filters only for resources and roles.

You can also use the Resource type filter to filter by work, effort, equipment or material for a role or resource.

Further improvements:
  • No duplicate entries or inactive users in shared views.
  • Users can make changes to shared views at the same time.
  • No empty investments for certain filter settings in the assignment view.
  • Columns in the utilization view move completely.
  • No automatic view selection when changes are made to the view.
  • Filtered resources are loaded directly.
  • Improved performance and fixed loading problems.
  • Display of the full request name with more than 32 characters, even if the role is newly filled.
  • Display of the current date as start date.
  • For effort-controlled tasks, assignments are automatically created on the allocation.
  • Processes are only started if the start condition is met.
  • Complete Excel export with all values.


  • For technical reasons, itd Advanced Resource Planning version 11.1.0 requires Clarity version 16.0.3 or higher.
  • Clarity version 16.1 or newer is required to use the roadmap mode in itd Advanced Resource Planning.

Get Your Upgrade Now!

Do you want to further simplify your resource planning? We would be happy to advise you on the options that the new version of itd Advanced Resource Planning makes available to you and upgrade you to the latest version.

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