Clarity bei DENSO

Clarity at DENSO

Success Story with Clarity and itdesign

Use Cases with Clarity

  • Servicing the information needs, processes, and tools of the large corporation DENSO Global Headquarters in Japan
  • Roll out Clarity to its different business units that each have their own requirements
  • Deploy different tools, such as MS Excel and MS Project, which are embedded at various levels
  • Convince the top management to implement new PPM software, whose added value cannot be expressed directly and in monetary terms
  • Create transparency about projects, costs, and income in order to demonstrate the profitability of the individual business units
  • Avoid transaction errors in Clarity without having to manually monitor user processes and data entries
  • Convince users, business units, and other stakeholders of the added value of the software, even if this entails more effort for you at first
  • Focus on the application itself rather than the IT infrastructure and related services
  • Using Clarity for project and resource planning, as well as providing data for financial planning and invoicing
  • Ability to adapt to different needs thanks to the flexibility as well as configuration options and interfaces
  • Harmonizing processes across business units to increase the transparency and quality of information and enable targeted reporting and well grounded resource planning
  • Proof of Concept as a practical test of the software at an early stage
  • Increasing acceptance of Clarity and embedding it in the company by involving users early on and establishing champions in the business units
  • Needs-based scaling of the IT infrastructure and services with itdesign Clarity SaaS to allow for cost savings and concentrating on the application itself
  • Automation of tool monitoring to draw attention to input and transaction errors at an early stage
  • Close and regular contact with itdesign as a partner in order to further advance the development of the tool even after the initial implementation

First-Hand Experience

Stephan Watzka, DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Germany GmbH
A particular challenge for us is that our corporate headquarters are in Japan. We have to fill in the processes that take place there and provide information that is processed there. The flexibility and configuration options provided by Clarity help tremendously to master this challenge accordingly.

Stephan Watzka|Director Engineering R&D


About DENSO Corporation

DENSO is a €44.3 billion ($47.9 billion) global mobility supplier that develops advanced technology and components for nearly every vehicle make and model on the road today. With manufacturing at its core, DENSO invests in its around 200 facilities to produce electrification, powertrain, thermal, mobility electronics, advanced devices to create jobs that directly change how the world moves. The company’s around 165,000 employees are paving the way to a mobility future that improves lives, eliminates traffic accidents, and preserves the environment. Globally headquartered in Kariya, Japan, DENSO spent around 9.0 percent of its global consolidated sales on research and development in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023. 

  • Automotive supplier
  • 165,000 employees
  • Headquartered in Kariya, Japan
  • Founded in 1949
  • 200 locations worldwide

Learn More about Our Customers!

Feel free to contact us to get more information about our customers, their use cases, and experiences with Clarity and itdesign. Depending on the availability, we can also connect you with one of our customers. We look forward to receiving your message! 

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