Trainings von itdesign rund um Clarity PPM Software

Individual Trainings around Clarity PPM

Whether Clarity or itd Advanced Resource Planning: Our experienced consultants give you as a customer everything you need to use the software successfully.

Flexible Training Types Tailored to Your Wishes

Each of our trainings is unique. This means that we define the content and format for delivering the training content together in advance and adapt it to your specific needs and circumstances. You decide what works best for you and all other participants. Thanks to well-trained users, you can ensure an optimal introduction, high acceptance, and firm anchoring of Clarity in your company!

  • Various Products

    We can provide training on Clarity and the add-on for resource planning, itd Advanced Resource Planning.

  • Different Target Groups

    Depending on the field of activity, we can train users, admins, application managers, or (future) trainers.

  • Individual Formats

    Depending on your needs, we offer training remotely via web session, at itdesign in Tübingen, on site at your company, or as an individual training video.

Individual Trainings on Clarity

Clarity PPM is the tool for comprehensive strategic and operative project and portfolio management. We offer you a wide range of training content for different roles so that your users and administrators are able to use the software independently and purposefully after the initial implementation and can fully exploit its potential.

itdesigns Leistungen: Individuelle Schulungskonzepte rund um Clarity und PPM

Clarity for Users

We show you the most important functionalities and how to use Clarity PPM optimally in your daily work – as a project manager, project member, resource manager, or PMO.

Clarity for Application Owners

Become an expert for Clarity in your company! We show you the extensive possibilities in the tool, so that you can implement every kind of use cases independently.

Train the Trainer

We develop the trainer in you so that you can independently train your teams in the use of Clarity after the tool has been introduced. This helps you to scale the software across your organization.

Individual Trainings on itd Advanced Resource Planning

The most popular innovation for Clarity, itd Advanced Resource Planning, lets you optimally plan your resources and implement your projects more successfully. Depending on your needs, you will benefit from different training contents and learn how to use functionalities of the tool in a target-oriented way.

itd Advanced Resource Planning: Das Clarity Add-on für professionelle Ressourcenplanung

Free Web Tutorials for Novices and the Curious

We would be happy to show you the advantages and most important functions of itd Advanced Resource Planning in a web session. Get started with professional resource planning!


After you have decided to use itd Advanced Resource Planning, we will introduce you to the functionality of the add-on and do the initial basic setup together.

itd Advanced Resource Planning for Users

As a resource manager, project manager, or PMO, we will show you how to use itd Advanced Resource Planning for realistic project planning and to avoid overloads.

Interested in Training with Us?

At itdesign, we attach great importance to providing you and your colleagues with the necessary skills, tricks, and methods. We would love to tailor a suitable concept for you to meet your needs.

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